Measure fatigue. Stay alert.
Avoid car accidents.

How it works

The iFatigue system measures eyelid movement, which is an accurate indicator of when a person has become tired enough to be impaired and should rest.

Since commercial truck drivers who may be fatigued are implicated in the majority of fatal traffic accidents, this system is designed to save lives.

The sensor

The unit is composed of a specialized sensor attached to an eyeglass frame that detects tiny differences in electromagnetic current when the eyelid is open and when it is closed.

The unit senses when the eyelid movement is characteristic of someone becoming drowsy and immediately alerts the wearer that it’s time to pull over and take a break. The notification can be linked to an app on a smartphone or Apple Watch.

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iFatigue can be connected with the Apple Watch or smartphone so you can be safer on the road.

About Us

We are an eclectic team of entrepreneurs with backgrounds ranging from mathematical logic to information theory and with experience in electronics and mobile software development. With recent funding from the National Science Foundation through the Small Business Innovation Research grant, we are paving the way towards significantly lowering the traffic accident rate.
1035 Pearl Street, Suite #402,
Boulder, Colorado 80302